alera Energy S.L.U. responsible for the website, hereinafter RESPONSIBLE, makes this document available to users, with which it intends to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Services. the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), as well as informing all users of the website regarding the conditions of use.

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Company name: alera Energy S.L.U.
Company Registration Number: 21804
Address: d’Escaldes-Engordany; Principat d’Andorra


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To use some of the Services, the User must previously provide certain personal data. The company will automatically process this data and apply the corresponding security measures, all in compliance with the GDPR, LOPDGDD and LSSI. The User can access the policy followed in the treatment of personal data, as well as the establishment of the previously established purposes, under the conditions defined in the Privacy Policy.


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Thanks to cookies, it is possible that the browser of the computer used by the User can be recognized in order to provide content and offer browsing or advertising preferences that the User, to the demographic profiles of Users as well as to measure visits. and traffic parameters, control the progress and number of entries.

CyDesign is our brand name for high efficiency cyclone design. We supply design of cyclones with exceptional performance and also turn key cyclone separators

Please click here to go to our website

We support the because thermal energy will be needed for many decades to come.

WE KNOW HOW ! is assisting many companies building boilers, thermal oil heaters or incinerators worldwide. We optimise your design and plant operation. Our contacts are: website

click to contact with email

Skype : lucaviscuso

Tel.: +49 (0) 80 53 – 53 08 450

aleraSoft is our high performance Excel AddIn which assists engineers in the evaluation, optimisation and troubleshooting of thermal energy plant . To visit the video section with many examples,

There are companies and individuals who support us, but do not want to present their details here.
We appreciate the support very much.
Currently we have 25 Bronze anonymous supporters.
Before we publish any data from our supporters we ask them for permission.

ARUNA Pty Ltd is our Singapore branch which looks after our patents and intellectual property rights. If you want to know more about us

please click here

click to contact with email

We support the because thermal energy will be needed for many decades to come.

alera energy has over many years supplied turn-key energy plant for the wood panel industry. If you want to know more about it.

Please click here to go to our website

Today we act as consultant to the wood panel industry with special knowledge in  the field of energy and environment.

alera Energy SLU in Andorra is our main consultancy. Until 2009 we have built many turn-key energy plant, after which we granted licenses or our combustion systems and now we are acting as consultant worldwide.
We are also the initiators of the free If you want to know more about it
There are companies and individuals who support us, but do not want to present their details here.
We appreciate the support very much.
Currently we have 16 Gold anonymous supporters.
Before we publish any data from our supporters we ask them for permission.
There are companies and individuals who support us, but do not want to present their details here.
We appreciate the support very much.
Currently we have 32 Silver anonymous supporters.
Before we publish any data from our supporters we ask them for permission.
Topics in the section “Boilers”

Water & Steam Properties

Green are items, still to be created

Topics in the section “Flue Gas Emissions”

Pollution Considerations

Particulate Emission

Sulfur, Chlorine and Fluor

Hydrocarbon and CO

Nitrogen Oxides

Dioxines and others

Green are items, still to be created

Topics in the section “Efficiency”

Importance of Efficiency

Internal Combustion Engine

Wind and Solar Efficiency

Steam and Cogeneration

Gas Turbine and combined Cycle

Green are items, still to be created

Topics in the section “Combustion”

Combustion Calculation

Coal Firing

Biomass / Agrowaste Firing

Solid waste Incineration

Liquid Waste and Sludge Incineration

Green are items, still to be created

Topics in the Section “Organic Fuels”

Formation of Coal, Oil and Gas

Ash Behaviour of Fuel

Green are items, still to be created

Topics in the section “Basic Knowledge”

Specific Heat of Solids and Liquids

Green are items, still to be created

Topics in the section “Knowledge Center”

Green are items, still to be created


Why do we need the

The global energy transition towards an electricity dominated energy world created by renewable energy, mainly wind and solar, is well underway. In some countries, wind and solar are already contributing a notable portion of the electricity production. By this transition, the interest in thermal energy is declining and material and intellectual resources are increasingly diverted from thermal energy technology to electricity from renewables. Some university institutes for thermal engineering are faced with strongly reduced numbers of students or they even close thermal energy departments

However, if one looks at the total global primary energy usage, the picture looks less promising.

Evaluating the last 17 years, the period after the Kyoto protocol signed by 192 nations went into force in 2005. we see that the actual contribution of wind and solar energy to cover the global primary energy consumption is neglectable.

In this period the global primary consumption of energy increased by 26,3 % and the largest amount of this increase  with 70 % was provided by coal, oil and gas. Wind and solar contributed only 20 % of the increase and hydropower 8 %. 

In 2021 wind and solar energy only provided 4,3 % of total global primary energy.

The contribution of the different energy sources to the global primary energy is shown below.

The fact that wind and solar energy have a high convertion factor to  electricity is already accounted for in the above numbers chart. Nuclear is shown with its thermal input, not electricity produced and hydro is adjusted for efficiency as present in a thermal power plant.

The idea that additional energy consumption growth or the globally required energy  will in the short to medium future, say 50 to 100 years, be in its majority provided by wind and solar and the rest by other renewables such as hydro or nuclear with a suitable grid and energy storage system is nothing but an illusion.

This is why we are conviced that we must upkeep and further develop thermal energy knowledge, and so utilise the enormous potential energy saving  through efficiency increase and better thermal energy processes.